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Augusta, GA Truck Accident Lawyer

Augusta, GA Truck Accident Lawyer

Augusta, GA Truck Accident Attorney

According to statistics compiled by the Georgia Department of Transportation, there have been 810 tractor-trailer accidents from 2017 through 2021 in the city of Augusta, GA. 6 of these accidents have resulted in fatalities, 3 of which were in 2021. 260 accidents have resulted in serious injuries, and 2021 saw 176 accidents alone, the highest number of truck accidents since 2019.

Regardless of what the statistics may say, a truck accident can change your life forever. You may be unable to work, take care of your family, or engage in the basic functions of daily living. If you have been injured in a truck accident, an Augusta truck accident attorney can help you get the compensation you need to rebuild your life. Call us for a free no obligation consultation at 706-955-1559.

augusta ga truck accident lawyer

What Should You Do if You Have Been in a Truck Accident?

The moments following your accident can be confusing and overwhelming. You may not know what happened, you aren’t sure whether you are injured, and you don’t know what to do. The actions you take during those moments, however, can be critical to getting fair compensation in the event you need to pursue a claim. If you are able, we recommend that you take the following steps:

  • Remain calm. First, you don’t want to get into an altercation with the other driver or anyone else involved in the accident. Second, remaining calm will allow you to make better decisions. Third, remaining calm will allow you to observe the situation more accurately and remember important details more accurately.
  • Contact the police. Even if you don’t believe the police are necessary or that you are injured, the police can secure the scene and direct traffic to keep everyone safe. Furthermore, they will create an accident report, which could later become an important piece of evidence in your case.
  • Get the driver’s information. You need to know his name and contact information, as well as who he works for, the contact information for his employer, and who their insurance company is.
  • Get the names and contact information of witnesses and other parties. You may need their contact information in the event you need to obtain a statement or confirm important facts. Get their name, address, cell phone number, and email address.
  • Take pictures. Take pictures of the scene of the accident, damage to your vehicle and any other vehicles, and photos of any injuries you may be aware of.
  • Do not admit liability. Even if you think you may be partially to blame, you shouldn’t accept fault for the accident to any extent at this time.
  • Call for an ambulance if you think you have been injured. It is often difficult to tell whether you have been injured or to what extent you have been injured. If you think you have been injured, you should seek immediate attention. Do not attempt to drive yourself to the hospital or just go home and assume you will be fine.

Of course, we realize that you may be reading this because you have already been involved in a truck accident. Whether you forgot to do some or all of these things, do not lose hope – you can still pursue a claim for your injuries and other losses. A seasoned Augusta, GA truck accident attorney can review your case, determine what evidence you need, and help you understand your options.

Seek Medical Treatment Immediately

If you haven’t done so already, you need to get a thorough medical examination if you are experiencing any symptoms whatsoever. It’s not uncommon for injuries to begin manifesting themselves days or even weeks after your accident. If your symptoms become worse or you begin experiencing additional symptoms, do not hesitate to schedule a follow-up appointment or seek a second opinion.

Make sure that you keep copies of all medical bills and records related to your injuries. You will need these later on if you need to pursue a claim.

Perhaps more importantly, you should follow your doctor’s treatment recommendations. If you do not and you later need to pursue a claim, the trucking company or its insurance company will claim that you would have followed your doctor’s orders if you were truly injured. In other words, they will use it as evidence against you in order to deny your claim or pay as little as possible.

Why You Should Talk to an Augusta, GA Truck Accident Attorney

Figuring out your treatment and whether you have a claim can be a lot to think about when you are in pain and not sure what to do next. Even if you aren’t sure whether you have a claim, here are some of the reasons why you should contact an Augusta truck accident attorney:

  • They can identify all of your potential losses. One of the mistakes that many accident victims make is focusing solely on their medical bills. However, that is only one component of your potential claim. If you have to miss work, you are entitled to compensation for lost income. You may also be entitled to compensation for any pain and suffering you experience. In general, you are entitled to be made whole. An Augusta truck accident attorney can provide an estimate of what your case may be worth so that you can make an informed decision as to whether or not you should pursue a claim.
  • They can identify who should be held accountable for the accident. Unlike passenger vehicle accidents, identifying the at-fault party in truck accident cases is often difficult. Ultimately, truck accidents often entail pursuing a claim against one or more corporate entities. An experienced Augusta truck accident attorney will be able to identify the correct party or parties to pursue in your case.
  • They can explain your options. A knowledgeable Augusta, GA truck accident attorney can assess your case, evaluate its strengths and weaknesses, and discuss the potential outcomes. This enables you to make an informed decision as to whether or not you should pursue a claim.

Augusta Injury and Accident Lawyers

Injured in a Truck Accident? Talk to an Augusta, GA Truck Accident Attorney Today

At Merritt & Merritt Law Firm, we are committed to helping people rebuild their lives after being involved in a truck accident. For this reason, we provide free consultations with no obligation to anyone who has been injured in a truck accident. Call us today at 706-955-1559 to talk with an August, GA truck accident attorney who can help you start moving forward.

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