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Austin, TX Truck Accident Lawyer

Austin, TX Truck Accident Lawyer
texas truck accident lawyers merritt and merritt attorneys

Austin, TX Truck Accident Attorney

Austin is one of the most unique, exciting cities in Texas. Unfortunately, Austin is not unique when it comes to truck accidents. These accidents can leave victims seriously injured and worried about how they are going to pay their bills or take care of their families. The good news is that an Austin truck accident attorney can help – from dealing with the insurance companies to settling your case, they can help you get your life back. If you or a family member has been involved in a truck accident contact us at 1-800-738-93946.

Serious Truck Accidents Happen in Austin More Often Than You Think

The Texas Department of Transportation compiles statistics for all motor vehicle accidents each year. While they do not track statistics for trucks specifically, they do track accident statistics for commercial vehicles. The 2021 statistics for Travis County paint a somewhat troubling picture:

  • 598 total accidents
  • 17 accidents resulted in 19 fatalities
  • 32 severe injuries that resulted in some kind of incapacitation
  • 120 serious, but non-incapacitating injuries

It should be emphasized that these statistics are only for 2021. Regardless, if you have been injured in a truck accident, you are not a statistic. You need help to pay your medical bills, recover your lost wages, and basically rebuild your life. An Austin, TX truck accident attorney can help you get the compensation you need to reclaim your future.

You May Be Entitled to Compensation if Your Accident Was Caused by Negligence

Just like any car accident, most truck accidents are the result of the truck driver’s negligence. In order to prove negligence, however, you need to be able to demonstrate that the driver was careless in such a way that an accident would be reasonably foreseeable. Common examples of truck driver negligence include the following:

  • Speeding
  • Tailgating
  • Unsafe lane changes
  • Distracted driving
  • Driving while drowsy
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol

However, many truck accidents are also the result of the trucking company’s negligence. This can include the following:

  • Failing to maintain their trucks in good working order
  • Failing to adequately train or supervise employees
  • Encouraging drivers to drive negligently or in violation of traffic laws or trucking regulations
  • Failing to adequately screen employees

Even if it is obvious that the driver or the trucking company was negligent, proving negligence can be more difficult than you might think. You will need evidence to support your claim that you are entitled to compensation for your injuries. An experienced Austin truck accident attorney will know what evidence you need to build a strong case.

Liability in Truck Accidents Can Be Complex

In a typical car accident case, you would pursue your claim against the other driver and their insurance company. The major difference in truck accident cases is that you will likely have to pursue your claim against a corporate entity, and sometimes more than one.

Assuming that the driver is an employee of a business, the business can generally be held liable for the driver’s negligence. However, many drivers are hired as independent contractors in an effort to shield the company from liability. That said, the accident could also be caused by the trucking company’s negligence, which means you would pursue your claim against them regardless of whether the driver was an employee or an independent contractor.

In addition, many truck accidents involve multiple vehicles which can raise questions as to whether there was more than one negligent driver.

Bringing your claim against the right party is vital to your success. An experienced Austin truck accident attorney will be able to sort through all of these issues to ensure that you pursue your claim against the appropriate party.

What to Do if You Have Been Injured in a Truck Accident

The days and weeks following your accident are critical if you need to pursue a claim for your injuries. Here are some steps you can take if you have been injured in a truck accident:

  • Get a thorough medical exam. Listen to your body. Some injuries may not manifest themselves right away and don’t dismiss various aches and pains as unrelated to your accident. Even if you declined medical treatment at the scene, you need to get a thorough medical exam from your doctor.
  • Follow your doctor’s orders. We understand that many people can’t afford to miss work or other life events. It is challenging to remain on bed rest or attend all of the various medical appointments. However, failing to follow your treatment plan can jeopardize your claim, as the other party will argue that your injuries were obviously not as serious as you claim.
  • Gather your evidence. Keep copies of all medical bills and documents related to your treatment. Keep detailed notes concerning your injuries and how they affect your day-to-day life. Get a copy of the police report. Take photographs of your injuries, the damage to your vehicle, and the scene of the accident if possible. Make sure to keep safe the contact information of any witnesses or other parties involved in the accident.
  • Be careful when talking to insurance companies. Much like a criminal case, anything you say to an insurance company may be used against you. Do not offer your opinion as to the cause of the accident and do not admit fault to any degree.
  • Talk to an Austin truck accident attorney. You need to understand your options and what your claim may be worth. An Austin truck accident attorney can provide you with this information that can help you make an informed decision as to how to proceed. They can also handle every aspect of your claim while you focus on your recovery.

Truck accident victims often feel overwhelmed and alone. An Austin truck accident attorney can give you hope for the future and help you rebuild your life.

Talk to an Austin Truck Accident Attorney as Soon as Possible if You Have Been Injured in a Truck Accident

At Merritt & Merritt Law Firm, we help truck accident victims get the compensation they need to pay their bills and take care of their families. To schedule a free consultation with an Austin truck accident attorney who knows how to get the results you need, contact us today at 1-800-738-93946.

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