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Most Dangerous Roads and Intersections in Decatur, GA

Jun 15, 2024

Whether you live and work in Decatur or plan to visit the area, if you intend to drive, it is important to know the most dangerous roads and intersections in Decatur, GA, and the steps to take if you experience a car accident. Any car accident has the potential to cause devastating injuries, and using extra caution in high-risk areas can help a driver limit their risk of becoming another accident statistic. A Decatur personal injury lawyer can help if you have been involved in an accident in Georgia.

Most Dangerous Roads and Intersections in Decatur

An experienced Decatur car accident lawyer is an invaluable resource after any unexpected accident. They can help their client gather the evidence they will need to prove fault for an accident and guide them through the process of securing compensation for their damages. However, knowing the highest-risk areas of Decatur can potentially help a driver avoid an accident in the first place.

One of the most notorious hotspots for car accidents in Decatur is the intersection of North Decatur Road and Superior Avenue, dubbed a “killer corner” by locals due to the number of accidents reported at this intersection. Recently, a serious crash at this intersection resulted in three people requiring hospitalization for their injuries. Locals have called for changes to this intersection, and proposed changes will require cooperation at the county level.

I-20 is another major hotspot for accidents in Decatur, and accidents that happen on highways tend to result in significant damages due to the speed at which these accidents typically occur. Accidents that happen at higher speeds have a greater risk of causing severe or fatal injuries as well as more expensive economic damages.

Most Common Causes of Car Accidents in Decatur

Most of the accidents reported throughout the Decatur area each year are the result of negligence. This term can define any failure to use reasonable care behind the wheel, such as distracted driving, speeding, or committing a moving violation that disrupts the flow of traffic. If you believe another party caused your recent accident, you will need to prove fault before you can recover any compensation for your losses.

When it comes to the most dangerous roads and intersections in Decatur, GA, poor visibility and driver negligence are some of the most commonly reported factors in these cases. With reference to the previously mentioned crash that sent three people to the hospital, this incident occurred because one driver disregarded a red light and slammed into the side of another vehicle whose driver had the right-of-way.

Other commonly reported causes of car accidents in Decatur include failure to yield, intoxicated driving, and speeding. Ultimately, the average person may not know exactly how they can prove fault for their recent accident, but the right attorney on their side can make this process easier and guide them toward a much fuller recovery than they could likely manage on their own. This applies whether you need to file an auto insurance claim, a personal injury suit, or both.

Merritt & Merritt Law Firm has helped many car accident victims in Decatur navigate the legal aftermath of these incidents, and we know the various challenges you might encounter as you seek compensation for the damages you suffered in a recent accident. With our assistance, you can focus on your recovery while your legal team manages your proceedings for you. Our goal is to help you recover as much as possible as quickly as possible.


Q: Which Intersection in Decatur Is the Most Dangerous?

A: The intersection in Decatur believed to be the most dangerous is the intersection of North Decatur Road and Superior Avenue. Locals refer to this intersection as a “killer corner” due to the high number of accidents reported here. City officials are attempting to coordinate with the county and with public transportation organizations in order to resolve the issues here and make the intersection safer.

Q: How Can I Prove Fault for a Car Accident?

A: You can prove fault for a car accident by gathering eyewitness statements from those who saw the accident happen, vehicle computer data, traffic camera footage, and more. Taking photos immediately after the crash can also help, so be sure to photograph your injuries, the damage to your vehicle, and the positions of the vehicles on the road if you are able to do so safely.

Q: Will an At-Fault Driver Go to Jail for Causing an Accident?

A: An at-fault driver may go to jail for causing an accident if they broke the law in doing so. Some of the most common forms of illegal misconduct reported as causes of accidents in the Decatur area include aggressive driving, reckless driving, and driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs. Any driver who breaks the law in causing an accident faces criminal penalties, which may include incarceration, depending on the severity of the offense.

Q: What Is a Car Accident Claim Worth in Decatur?

A: The value of a car accident claim in Decatur depends on the scope and severity of the damages involved. If you can prove that another party is liable for the accident, you have the right to seek compensation for all resulting damages, such as vehicle repair costs, medical bills, and lost income. Additionally, you can also claim compensation for the pain and suffering you experienced from the accident.

Q: Why Should I Hire a Car Accident Attorney in Decatur?

A: You should hire a car accident attorney in Decatur because you are substantially more likely to succeed with any recovery efforts you attempt when you have legal counsel you trust on your side. The right attorney can help you uncover all the various forms of compensation you are eligible to claim from the defendant and guide you through the process of holding them fully accountable for the damages they caused.

Knowing the most dangerous roads and intersections in Decatur, GA, can potentially help you avoid an accident, but it is still vital to know what to do if an accident does occur. The team at Merritt & Merritt Law Firm is ready to assist you with your recovery efforts, so contact our team today and schedule a free consultation to learn more about the legal services we provide that may help you recover compensation for your damages.