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Texas Truck Accident Statistics

Jun 17, 2024

The trucking business is a large part of the American economy, and it is vital to the state’s ability to maintain a seamless flow of materials throughout the state and the country. Truck driving continues to experience major changes and advancements as of 2024. While there have been advancements, there are still changes that can be made for improvement. Understanding Texas truck accident statistics can help us understand the causes and how to decrease their occurrence.

State Truck Accident Statistics

Texas is one of America’s largest states. It also has a history of being one of the states with the most trucking accidents. According to the state Department of Transportation, Texas had 26,298 truck (tractor-semi) accidents in 2023. Of these accidents:

  • 443 of the crashes were fatal.
  • 998 of the crashes were suspected to have caused serious injury.
  • 2,850 of the crashes were suspected to cause minor injuries.
  • 2,962 of the crashes had possible injuries.
  • 18,793 of the crashes did not have injuries at all.
  • 252 of the crashes had unknown injuries.

Common Causes of Truck Accidents

There are reasons why Texas has so many trucking accidents per year. One of the biggest reasons is because Texas is home to so many oil operating refineries, and the state itself produces a large amount of oil and gas. The oil and gas must be transported from site to site for extraction, refinement, and other processes, before finally being delivered. Various types of large trucks, in large numbers, are used to transport this oil and gas. Another reason is due to the sheer number of roadways in Texas. It is home to 16 interstate highways and 45 U.S. highways.

Truck accidents are a major problem that affects both the trucking business and road safety. Knowing these reasons can help implement preventative measures to ensure everyone’s safety:

  • Driver fatigue. Excessive driving is a major contributing factor to truck accidents. Drivers who operate automobiles while drowsy frequently do so due to long hours on the road, erratic schedules, and the pressure to fulfill strict delivery deadlines.
  • Distracted driving Another major factor in truck accidents is distracted driving. A driver’s focus can be taken off the road when using a cell phone, GPS, or other in-cab technology.
  • Reckless driving. The danger of an accident is greatly increased by speeding and aggressive driving, including tailgating and incorrect lane changes. Under pressure to meet deadlines, truck drivers may go over the speed limit, which can result in a high risk of accidents, particularly in bad weather or during rush hour.
  • Mechanical failures. Truck accidents are frequently caused by mechanical problems, such as tire blowouts, braking failures, and engine issues. Regular maintenance is a huge help in diminishing these occurrences.
  • Insufficient training. Accidents are more likely to occur when involving drivers who are not properly trained in defensive driving and handling heavy vehicles. This is also true when they are inadequately trained in safety techniques.
  • Hazardous weather. Due to the state’s varied environment, truck drivers frequently deal with inclement weather, such as strong winds, heavy rain, and fog. This may worsen visibility and traction on the road, raising the possibility of collisions.
  • Road conditions. Truck accidents can be caused by poor road conditions and insufficient infrastructure, such as small lanes, abrupt curves, and inadequate or missing signage.

Texas Trucking Accident Reasons & Statistics

Trucking is big business in Texas, and it is also very dangerous. As a matter of fact, a 2019 report from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) states that the state with the most fatalities in crashes involving large trucks is Texas.

Contact our accident attorneys at 1-800-738-93946.

Texas Trucking Accident Statistics

Following are some 2020 Texas trucking accident statistics from the Texas Department of Transportation we think you’ll find interesting.

  • 32,562 total Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) crashes
  • 513 total Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) fatal crashes
  • 1,245 total suspected serious injuries from Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) crashes
  • 2,902 non-incapacitating Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) injuries

The same study also states that the top ten Texas counties for Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) crashes are:

  • Harris County with 4,915 total crashes
  • Dallas County with 3,735 total crashes
  • Bexar County with 2,137 total crashes
  • Tarrant County with 1,781 total crashes
  • El Paso County with 778 total crashes

National Trucking Accident Statistics

A report from the National Safety Council (NSC) sheds light on national statistics for accidents involving large trucks. In 2020:

  • 4,842 large trucks were involved in a fatal crash
  • Large trucks constitute 9% of all vehicles involved in fatal crashes
  • 107,000 large trucks were involved in crashes resulting in an injury
  • 4,965 people died in large truck accidents
  • 71% of deaths in large truck accidents are the occupants of the other vehicle
  • 17% of death in large truck accidents are occupants of the large truck
  • 12% of deaths in large truck accidents are non-occupants, such as bicyclists and pedestrians
  • 54.65% of fatal large truck accidents were in rural areas, while 45.35% were in urban areas
  • 73.29% of fatal large truck accidents were non-interstate, while 26.71% were interstate
  • 63.45% of fatal large truck accidents occurred during the daytime, while 36.55% occurred at night
  • 95.41% of fatal large truck accidents occurred in areas that were not a work zone, while 4.59% occurred in areas that were
  • October had more large truck fatal accidents than any other month with a total number of 483 fatalities
  • April had the least amount of large truck fatal accidents than any other month with 265 fatalities

5 Tips On How to Avoid Becoming a Part of Texas Trucking Accident Statistics

Being alert and using safe driving practices are necessary when driving in Texas, especially when near big rigs. Make sure you are driving carefully, safely, and defensively. Be alert of your surroundings and try to avoid driving while distracted.

Trucks also have much larger blind spots than cars do. Try to avoid driving in these spots. If you must pass, pass on the left, where the driver is more likely to see you and less likely to crash into you. Also, pass with enough space for you or the truck to maneuver. Keep enough distance between you and the truck to allow for safe driving.

Overall, you want to implement proper safety measures while driving. This includes following the rules of the road. You also do not drive aggressively, especially around trucks, such as speeding, tailgating, or refusing to yield. Trucks have more power than the average vehicle, so if a collision occurs, the other vehicle will more than likely experience the most damage.

There are things that you, as a driver on Texas roadways, can do to reduce the risk of being involved in a Texas trucking accident. Following is a list of 5 things you can do to avoid becoming another statistic.

Tip #1: Drive Defensively

First of all, it is best to practice defensive driving. Defensive driving is where you use strategies to quickly recognize a potential threat and avoid it. Defensive driving requires that you be aware of your surroundings at all times and that you concentrate on driving and not be distracted by other people and things, such as your cell phone.

Tip #2: Avoid Blind Spots

Large trucks have huge blind spots on all sides. Typically, the blind spot in front of the cab extends 20 feet, and the blind spot behind the truck extends 30 feet from the rear. The blind spot on the left can be as wide as one lane, and on the right, two lanes. Do your best to avoid these areas when you are sharing the roadway with a truck, and when possible, pass them on the left side (since the blind spot is smaller).

Tip #3: Do Not Follow Too Closely

Some of the most severe injuries from trucking accidents occur when a person in another vehicle follows too closely behind the truck. Should an emergency situation occur, the truck driver will need to bring the truck to a stop as quickly as possible, and the vehicle following the truck may collide with the rear of the truck. This is known as an underride accident, as the truck sits much higher than the car, which causes the car to drive under the truck. Leave more distance between your car and the truck than you would between your car and another car.

Tip #4: Your Distance & Use Your Signals

Keep a safe distance between your vehicle and the large truck whenever possible. This helps them to see you, and helps you have a safe distance to stop when necessary. Also, let the driver of the truck know your intentions whenever possible. One way to do this is to always use your signals when switching lanes or turning.

Tip #5: Only Pass When There Is Enough Space

It is not a good idea to “whip around” a large truck. When you pass the truck, ensure that there is plenty of space to move back into the same lane as the truck. Do not pull in front of a truck if the space is tight.

Safety Measures

There are plenty of safety measures being implemented regularly to help maintain and improve safety on the road for both truck drivers and other drivers. There are regulations in place to ensure that workers are not fatigued or overworked while driving, as well as ensuring that their vehicles are maintained properly and regularly. There are also technological advances that are in place to assist with emergency braking, blind spot visuals, and other on-road warnings.


Q: What Are the Main Causes of Truck Accidents?

A: Some of the main causes of truck accidents in the state include mechanical failures, driver fatigue, distracted driving, speeding, poor road conditions, inclement weather, and inadequate training. When these factors are present, the likelihood of an accident greatly increases. Truck accidents can also be caused by other drivers on the road.

Q: How Can Drivers Avoid Truck Accidents?

A: Drivers can avoid truck accidents by practicing defensive driving, avoiding truck blind spots, not following trucks too closely, maintaining a safe distance, using signals properly, and passing trucks only when there is sufficient space. While these measures will not eliminate truck accidents completely from the road, they can help diminish their occurrence.

Q: What Should I Do if I Am Involved in an Accident With a Truck?

A: If you are involved in an accident with a truck, make sure everyone is safe first by finding a safe place to retreat to, looking over yourself for injuries, and dialing emergency services if necessary. Do not leave the scene of the accident unless you are being taken away for immediate medical treatment. Cooperate with law enforcement and give your recollection of the facts of the accident, avoiding opinions and assigning fault. Gather evidence at the scene.

Q: Can I Recover Damages if I Am Partially at Fault for a Truck Accident?

A: You can still recover damages even if you are partially at fault for a truck accident in Texas. If you bear 50% or less of the fault, you are entitled to damages under the state’s modified comparative negligence rule. Your percentage of fault will be deducted from your damages. You are not entitled to damages if your fault exceeds fifty percent.

A Texas Truck Accident Lawyer Here For You

A truck accident lawyer at the Merritt & Merritt Law Firm will help you recover the compensation you are owed when you’ve been injured in a Texas trucking accident. We may be reached by calling 1-800-738-93946 or via our contact page, and the consultation is free.