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Decatur Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Decatur Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Decatur Motorcycle Accident Attorney


Many people in the Decatur area enjoy riding motorcycles, and it is vital for every rider to know the risks they face on the road and what to do after an accident happens. Motorcycles are inherently dangerous due to the fact that they offer virtually no physical protection from a crash. If you have experienced such an accident, it is crucial that you consult a Decatur motorcycle accident lawyer as soon as possible.

Motorcycle accident attorneys can provide invaluable support and guidance if you have recently experienced such an accident. You may have more options for recovering your losses than you initially realize, but your case may also be far more complex than you initially expected. The team at the Merritt & Merritt Law Firm has the skills and experience you want on your side when you intend to recover from a serious motorcycle crash as fully as possible.

best decatur motorcycle accident lawyer

Helping Motorcycle Accident Victims Recover in Decatur, GA

Our Decatur personal injury lawyers at Merritt & Merritt Law Firm have extensive professional experience helping our clients in the Decatur area and throughout the state with all types of personal injury cases, including those arising from vehicle accidents. While motorcycle accidents are less common than passenger vehicle accidents and happen for many of the same reasons, they often result in far worse injuries.

Our firm has successfully represented many cases in Decatur, GA, and believes in client-focused legal counsel for every case we accept. We take time to listen to our client’s stories and help them develop a comprehensive legal strategy that aims for maximum recovery. We know that every case is unique, and every injured client has different needs and concerns. We can tailor our strategy to meet the distinct needs of your case.

When you choose Merritt & Merritt to represent your case, you have a dedicated legal advocate ready to address your concerns and answer your questions at all times throughout your proceedings. Our goal is to help you prove liability for your accident and recover the maximum amount of compensation possible for your damages under Georgia law.

Proving Liability for Your Motorcycle Accident in Decatur, GA

Under Georgia’s fault rule for vehicle accidents, proving fault is an essential first step in recovering from any motor vehicle accident. This means that you must identify the party responsible for causing your motorcycle accident and then prove how they caused it before you will be able to recover any compensation for your damages. Once you have proven fault, your attorney can help you proceed with claiming compensation from the at-fault party.

This is more straightforward in some cases than others, and some of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents include:

  • Distracted Driving: This is a leading cause of all accidents throughout the United States, and motorcyclists are especially vulnerable to inattentive drivers. Cell phone use while driving or any other distraction can potentially result in a devastating accident.
  • Speeding: This is the most common contributing factor to fatal motorcycle accidents. Whenever a driver exceeds the speed limit, they have less time to react to sudden changes in traffic, and accidents that happen at high speeds are likely to result in catastrophic injuries.
  • Intoxicated Driving: Unfortunately, driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs is one of the most commonly cited causes of serious motor vehicle accidents each year. An at-fault driver faces criminal charges as well as civil liability for the damages they caused in any kind of DUI-related motorcycle accident. If you are dealing with such an accident, you can contact our Decatur drunk driving accident lawyer who can help you case.
  • Traffic Violations: Failure to yield the right-of-way, running red lights or stop signs, and performing illegal turns are just a few examples of how traffic violations may cause serious accidents.

Your Decatur motorcycle accident lawyers can help secure physical evidence from the scene of the accident, digital evidence like the other driver’s cell phone records, vehicle computer data, traffic camera recordings, eyewitness statements, and other forms of evidence to help prove exactly how the accident happened. Once you have proven fault for the accident, you can begin seeking compensation for your damages.

It is important to note that if the driver who caused your accident did so by breaking the law, they would face criminal prosecution from the state. However, the goal of this case is to punish their wrongdoing, not to compensate your losses. While the sentencing judge may order the defendant to pay restitution, you will need to file a civil claim to fully recover all of your claimable damages.

For an Immediate Consultation call us at 404-975-1775

Compensation for Your Motorcycle Accident in Decatur, GA

Recovery from most motor vehicle accidents in Decatur begins with an auto insurance claim followed by a personal injury claim when insurance cannot fully cover the victim’s damages. This may sound like a straightforward process, but having legal counsel on your side makes it easier to navigate these recovery efforts and increases your chance of maximizing the total compensation you obtain.

Insurance companies almost always fight claims for compensation in whatever way they can. They may attempt to take advantage of an injured claimant’s desperation, coercing them into accepting a lowball settlement offer. However, an insurance carrier is less likely to attempt any bad-faith handling of a claim when they notice a claimant has legal counsel.

Every driver in the state is required to have auto insurance that meets basic coverage requirements, and your attorney can help file a claim against an at-fault driver’s policy. If any issues arise with the insurance company’s handling of your claim, your attorney will know how to resolve these issues. Once you have recovered as much as you can through the at-fault driver’s insurance, you can file a personal injury claim to recover the rest.

Success with a personal injury claim in Decatur requires proving fault for your losses and proving the full scope of the harm done by the defendant. The goal of any personal injury claim is for the plaintiff to prove liability for their damages and to recover compensation for those damages.

The plaintiff in a motorcycle accident claim is typically able to claim compensation for:

  • Vehicle repair costs and other property damage not covered by the defendant’s auto insurance policy.
  • Medical Treatment Costs: Many motorcycle accidents result in serious injuries, some of which require extensive medical care. The defendant who injured you is liable for the full scope of medical treatment you need to recover as fully as possible from your injuries. This includes the cost of future medical treatment if you suffer severe injuries that require ongoing rehabilitation and in-home care.
  • Lost Wages: When a plaintiff is unable to work while they recover from a personal injury, the defendant is liable for the income the plaintiff is unable to earn during this time. Additionally, if the plaintiff’s future earning power has been diminished by the injury the defendant caused, the defendant is also liable for the plaintiff’s lost future wages.
  • Pain and Suffering: Georgia’s personal injury laws allow plaintiffs to claim financial compensation for the physical pain and psychological distress they experienced because of a defendant’s actions. State law does not limit this aspect of their recovery, so any plaintiff who has suffered severe injuries with long-term or permanent effects is likely able to recover a significant amount of pain and suffering compensation.

Decatur motorcycle accident attorneys help their clients maximize their recoveries, and the right attorney will know the most efficient way for you to recover your losses after a recent motorcycle accident. You can rely on the team at Merritt & Merritt Law Firm to fully investigate all of the damages you suffered and accurately calculate any projected future losses you intend to claim from the defendant. We can also help you maximize your pain and suffering compensation.

What to Expect From Your Decatur Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

The aftermath of a motorcycle accident can be uncertain and traumatic for the victim and their family. If you find yourself in this situation, you are likely to have many pressing legal questions that you will not be able to answer on your own, and you may be unaware of the full range of legal options available to you that may help you recover.

When you choose the Merritt & Merritt Law Firm to represent you, we can develop a strategy that aims for maximum recovery in the shortest possible timeframe. You can trust our team to guide you through the insurance claim filing process, and after you receive a settlement, we can determine whether a personal injury suit will be necessary for the fullest possible recovery.

The team at Merritt & Merritt will aim to settle your case outside of court if possible to reduce the time it takes for you to recover your compensation, but we are fully prepared to represent our client in litigation if necessary. As long as the defendant accepts liability for the accident and is willing to negotiate, it is possible for you to settle your claim in a fraction of the time that litigation would require. However, litigation may be unavoidable in some cases.

Ultimately, you will have the greatest chance of success with both an insurance claim and a personal injury suit when you have experienced legal counsel on your side. Our firm has years of experience representing injured victims of motorcycle accidents, and we are ready to leverage our experience on your behalf to help you recover as fully and as quickly as possible.

Decatur Injury and Accident Lawyers

Decatur Motorcycle Accident Law FAQs

Q: What Evidence Do I Need to Prove Fault for a Motorcycle Accident in Decatur, DA?

A: The evidence you may need to prove fault for your motorcycle accident in Decatur could include photos of the scene of the crash immediately after it occurred, statements from witnesses who saw the accident happen firsthand, digital evidence like vehicle computer data and cell phone records, and any video footage that may have been captured by nearby traffic cameras. Your personal injury attorney can help you gather all vital evidence for your case.

Q: How Much Compensation Can I Claim for My Motorcycle Accident in Decatur, GA?

A: The amount of compensation you could claim for your motorcycle accident will depend on the scope and severity of the damages you suffered. You may be entitled to a larger recovery than you initially expected, but you will need an experienced Decatur motorcycle accident lawyer to help you accurately determine the value of all of the damages you could claim. Your recovery is likely to include compensation for the economic and non-economic damages the defendant caused.

Q: What Happens if I’m Partially Liable for a Motorcycle Accident in Decatur, GA?

A: If you are found partially liable for your motorcycle accident, Georgia’s modified comparative fault rule will apply to your case, and your recovery will be reduced according to your fault percentage. The percentage assigned to you will be determined by the court based on the evidence, and this percentage is then taken from your case award. However, if you are found more at fault than the defendant, it will negate your ability to claim compensation from them.

Q: Why Should I Hire a Decatur Motorcycle Accident Lawyer?

A: You should hire a Decatur motorcycle accident lawyer because you are far more likely to reach a positive outcome of your case with their assistance than you would be if you tried to manage your case alone. The right attorney can help you gather proof of liability, guide you through the insurance claim filing process with confidence, and help you maximize the compensation you obtain from a successful personal injury claim.

Q: How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Decatur Motorcycle Accident Lawyer?

A: The cost to hire a Decatur motorcycle accident lawyer will only be a percentage of your total case award when you choose the Merritt & Merritt Law Firm to represent you. Our contingency fee policy means there are no upfront fees for our representation, and you only pay a fee if and when we win your case. Our fee will be a percentage of your final case award, and you pay nothing if we are unable to obtain compensation on your behalf for any reason.

You have a limited time in which to pursue your recovery, and the sooner you connect with an experienced Decatur motorcycle accident lawyer, the more likely you are to succeed with your case.

Contact Merritt & Merritt Law Firm today to schedule a free consultation with motorcycle accident attorneys you can trust with your claim.

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