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Plano, TX Truck Accident Lawyer

Plano, TX Truck Accident Lawyer

texas truck accident lawyers merritt and merritt attorneys

Plano, TX Truck Accident Attorney

Have You Been in a Truck Accident in Plano, TX?

Truck accidents are catastrophic events that can result in serious injuries and sometimes death. Call us today for a free case evaluation at 1-800-738-WE-WIN (93946). They are often far more complex than passenger vehicle accidents with unique causes and complicated liability questions. They often involve multiple vehicles. For these reasons, it is vital that you work with a knowledgeable and experienced Plano truck accident lawyer to get the compensation you need to put your accident behind you.

Truck Accidents in Plano Are Common

The Texas Department of Transportation compiles commercial vehicle accident statistics for every year. As Plano spans both Denton and Collin Counties, a review of the statistics for 2021 indicates the following:

  • 1,497 total accidents
  • 12 fatalities
  • 51 incapacitating injuries
  • 435 other injuries

While these numbers may not be shocking on their face, remember that these are statistics for a single year. Regardless, the total number of accidents or injuries suffered doesn’t matter to the victims themselves. All that matters is that they have suffered life-changing injuries and need help putting their lives back together. A Plano truck accident lawyer from our firm can help you get the compensation you need to pay your bills, take care of your family, and start moving forward.

A Plano, TX Truck Accident Lawyer Explains The Most Common Causes of Truck Accidents

Truck accidents are unique not just because of their size and weight, but also because they spend long hours on the road and are driven for commercial purposes. Some of the most common causes that are unique to truck accidents include the following:

  • Mechanical failures due to negligent maintenance
  • Inadequately trained or unsupervised drivers
  • Drivers that are pressured to drive in violation of hours of service limitations
  • Inadequate screening for drivers with drug or alcohol problems or poor driving records
  • Overloaded trucks or trucks carrying loads that haven’t been properly secured

Unfortunately, identifying the cause of a truck accident is often difficult. An experienced Plano truck accident lawyer can review the facts and determine whether the driver or the trucking company should be held liable as a result of their negligence.

A Plano, TX Truck Accident Lawyer Answers Your Frequently Asked Questions

With over 45 years of experience, our team understands that truck accident victims approach the legal process with a certain amount of trepidation. Our goal is to put you at ease even before the initial consultation, so we strive to answer those questions that victims have before reaching out to a lawyer.

How do I know if I need a lawyer?

It can sometimes be difficult to predict whether or not you will need a lawyer to pursue a claim. However, a good rule of thumb is that you should at least consider contacting a Plano truck accident lawyer if you have suffered an injury that will require considerable medical treatment or requires you to miss work. Your health insurance may cover at least some of your medical bills, but it will not cover your lost income.

Most truck accident lawyers will discuss your case free of charge and with no obligation. If you are unsure as to whether you should hire a lawyer, they can at least help you understand your options so that you can make an informed decision.

Should I accept their settlement offer?

Sometimes the trucking company or the insurance carrier will attempt to settle your claim quickly – within a couple of days or so of your accident. Unfortunately, this is typically an attempt on their part to pay as little as possible. When you accept their settlement offer, you waive any right you may have to additional compensation, even if you later discover that your injuries are worse than you thought. Before accepting their offer, the best thing to do is talk to a Plano truck accident lawyer to discuss whether the settlement is fair.

How do I know what my case is worth?

The value of your case will depend largely on the extent of your injuries. That said, the value of your claim will be determined by the following components:

  • Your medical bills, including both those covered by insurance and any out-of-pocket expenses such as copays or deductibles
  • The cost to repair or replace your vehicle
  • Your loss income
  • Your pain and suffering

The last component is the most difficult to quantify. An experienced Plano truck accident lawyer will be able to provide you with an estimate of what your case may be worth at your initial consultation, including compensation for your pain and suffering.

Will I have to go to court?

Most truck accident cases settle out of court. However, you may have to go to trial if your case involves complex legal issues, important facts are in dispute, or the other party is simply being unreasonable.

How do I afford a lawyer?

A Plano truck accident lawyer will handle your case on a contingency fee basis. This means that you do not pay any legal fees out-of-pocket or up-front. Instead, they collect their fee as a percentage of any compensation they recover on your behalf. In other words, there are no legal fees unless they win.

Talk to a Plano, TX Truck Accident Lawyer at Merritt & Merritt Law Firm Today

When we work with a client, our goal is to put their fears and anxieties to rest. This means that we will help you with every aspect of your case – from talking to the insurance company to aggressively protecting your rights in court. Dedicated and compassionate, we fight to make sure you get fair compensation so that you can put your accident behind you. If you have been injured in a truck accident, give us a call at 1-800-738-93946 to schedule a free consultation. We can discuss your case, your needs, and how we can help.

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