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Texas Truck Accident Lawyer

Texas Truck Accident Lawyer

texas truck accident lawyers merritt and merritt attorneys

Texas Truck Accident Attorney

Have You Been in a Truck Accident in Texas?

Call us for a free consultation at 1-800-738-93946. According to the Texas State Department of Transportation, there were 38,149 commercial vehicle accidents across the state of Texas in 2021. Of these 38,000 accidents, there were 705 fatalities and over 14,000 injuries. While the DOT doesn’t track truck accidents specifically, it is reasonable to assume that a large portion of these accidents involved large trucks, if not a majority.

These statistics are startling, but at the end of the day, they’re just numbers. For the people involved in truck accidents, their injuries, their lost income, and their pain and suffering are tragic realities. If you have been injured in a truck accident, a Texas truck accident lawyer can help you not only get fair compensation but help you get back on your feet.

A Texas Truck Accident Attorney Handling All Types of Truck Accidents

Truck accidents can include more than semi-trucks or tractor-trailers. However, understanding how the different types of trucks can affect the outcome of your case is important. We work with clients involved in all types of truck accidents including the following:

Each of these types of trucks requires special consideration in how it may have caused your accident in Texas. An experienced and knowledgeable Texas truck accident attorney should be able to handle your case no matter what type of truck caused your accident.

Was Your Truck Accident Caused by a Mechanical Failure?

Trucking companies have a duty to ensure that their trucks receive routine maintenance and that they are in good working order when heading out onto the road. Drivers also have a responsibility to inspect their trucks for potential mechanical issues and to stay off the road if they find anything that could be an issue. Unfortunately, truck accidents caused by mechanical failures are more common than many people expect. Some of the most common mechanical failures that result in accidents include the following:

  • Malfunctioning brake systems
  • Worn tires or tire blowouts
  • Trailer hitch failures
  • Power steering failures
  • Burnt-out brake lights, running lights, or emergency lights

Some mechanical failures may not be the fault of the driver or the trucking company. Some mechanical failures are the result of a negligent mechanic or defective parts. Whatever the case may be, an experienced Texas truck accident attorney will know how to hold the responsible party accountable for your accident.

Or Was It Caused By Something Else?

Other common causes of truck accidents include the following:

Many truck accidents may actually be caused by other drivers – a car may have cut off the truck or done something else that may have precipitated the accident. In that case, you may have a claim against the other driver and the truck driver.

Truck accidents are often complex and identifying the cause can be extraordinarily difficult for non-lawyers. Determining precisely what happened is critical to the success of your claim. For this reason alone, you should contact a Texas truck accident attorney as soon as possible to discuss your options.

Semi-Truck and Big Truck Accident Statistics in Texas

  • Around 4,119 people die each year from large truck accidents
  • 16% of these deaths were large truck passengers, 67% were passengers of cars and buses, and 15% were motorcyclist and bicyclists
  • Most deaths in big truck accidents are cars.
  • Trucks often weigh more than 25-30 times as much as a ordinary car
  • Loaded 18-wheeler trucks take 25-40%longer to stop than cars
  • The DOT allows truck drivers to drive up to 15 hours at a time
  • There are 388,000 truck accidents each year. This means that truck accidents make up almost 7% of total accident.
  • Big or large trucks are considered medium or heavy truck, not including buses and motor homes, with a gross vehicle weight of more than 10,000 pounds
  • Over 70% of products transported across the U.S. are transported by trucks and large buses.
  • 65% of on-the-job death of truck drivers were caused by wrecks and road accidents.

Dos and Don’ts After You Are in a Texas Truck Accident

  • Do Call the Police: After any accident especially one involving a semi-truck, you need to call the police immediately. Do not wait to speak with the other driver. Pick up the phone and call the police after impact. By calling 911 you can let them know if you need an ambulance and they will send an officer to the scene.
  • Do go to the Emergency Room (ER): If an ambulance comes to the accident scene and you are feeling pain anywhere in your body it would be a good idea to allow the ambulance to take you to the nearest ER. If you are not feeling pain immediately after the accident and begin to feel pain a few hours or a few days after the accident, go to the nearest emergency room to get checked. There is nothing wrong with making sure you did not serious injury yourself. Also, the ER may refer you to physical therapy or chiropractic care for follow up treatment.
  • Do take pictures at the accident scene: If you have the strength and feel safe enough to take pictures after the accident, take photos. The photos will be helpful in depicting exactly how the accident looked before vehicles are moved and witness statement sometime change over time. Be sure to share your pictures with our truck wreck attorneys so we can archive so they are not lost or destroyed.
  • Don’t speak with the insurance company: The insurance adjuster will attempt to get you to give a recorded statement. They know if they can trip you up or confuse you on a question you will not be able to pursue a claim at all. Be mindful and not speak with an insurance company because they will use whatever you say in court in the future which may ultimately hurt your case.
  • Don’t accept a settlement offer: By accepting a settlement offer it will prevent you from collecting any monies in the future from the insurance company or trucking company. Often the adjuster will offer you a few hundred or few thousand dollars to settle your claim when your claim could be worth millions. Never speak with the insurance company and never sign any settlement document before speaking with one.
  • Don’t try to handle the case yourself: There are laws and rules that govern your case that only a truck accident attorney would know. Like what steps need to be taken or what documents need to be filed, or who do you need to send spoliations documents or does an ante litem notice need to be sent.
  • Do not wait to call us: The sooner you call us the quicker we can get to work on your case. We can prevent the trucking company from destroying documents. We can interview the police officer while the accident is fresh in his memory. And we can file your case before the statute of limitations and bars your case.

Common Types of Injuries Sustained After a Texas Trucking Accident

Accidents involving trucks unfortunately cause a wide range of injuries. The sheer size of large trucks and the speed they are capable of maintaining means that when they collide with a smaller motor vehicle, the occupants of the smaller vehicle often suffer catastrophic injuries, and at times, even death. When this happens, it is best to consult with a Texas truck accident injury lawyer at the Merritt & Merritt Law Firm. You can contact us at 1-800-738-93946.

Back & Neck Injuries

People often suffer injuries to their backs and necks when they are involved in an accident with a truck. The neck has a lot of soft tissue, which is easily strained or torn during a high-impact collision. Spinal fractures and dislocations can also occur. The intense pressure of the crash can cause the bones in the back and neck to shatter or break. Dislocations occur when the muscles around the vertebrae are damaged, and the vertebrae move out of place. Along with being painful, dislocations can cause damage to surrounding nerves.

Amputations & Disfigurement

Serious crashes can cause lifelong scars that cause a person to be disfigured. They can also cause a person’s limb to be crushed to the point where it has to be amputated. If the collision is bad enough, it is possible that the limb will be partially or completely severed when the accident occurs.

Having a limb amputated often means continued medical treatment and the need for devices such as prosthetics and a wheelchair.

Burn Injuries

Burn injuries don’t often come to mind when considering the wounds that a crash with a truck can bring. Large trucks are often used to transport all kinds of cargo, including gasoline and other flammable liquids. When one of these vehicles collides with another vehicle, there is a high likelihood of fire. Also, even if a truck is not transporting flammable cargo, it is possible that a fuel tank in one of the vehicles will rupture, causing a fire.

Burns are extremely painful and can lead to infection and disfigurement. They may also require skin grafting.

Spinal Cord Injuries & Paralysis

Spinal cord injuries can be devastating and cause temporary or permanent paralysis of the torso, arms, and legs. This happens when the nerves that are part of the spine are severed or badly damaged. Where on the spine the injury occurs determines what parts of the body will be affected.

Paralysis can lead to a lifetime of health complications and the need for therapies and adaptive devices. The care involved for a person suffering from paralysis can easily reach into the millions.


The force of a collision with a large truck can cause a person’s head to fling back and forth. This type of forceful motion can lead to a sprain of the neck. Symptoms include pain, headaches, tingling, numbness, dizziness, and other neurological issues. Whiplash may not be immediately apparent after an accident, which is one of the reasons why a person in an accident with a truck should have a complete exam as soon as possible after the wreck occurs. The exam should include specialized imaging, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to look for the signs and damage that is caused by whiplash.

Head & Brain Injuries

Head and brain injuries can be very mild, or they can be extremely devastating, or they may fall somewhere in-between. Mild injuries may heal on their own, and some brain injuries, such as a concussion, may be unpredictable in the damage that it causes.

Traumatic brain injuries(TBIs) may occur as a result of a penetrating injury (think of something that penetrates through the skull directly into the brain) or a closed injury (think of the head being hit with a large heavy object). TBIs can permanently alter the way a person’s brain operates, and can lead to a need for life-long care. A person suffering from a TBI received in an accident with a truck should speak with a Texas truck accident injury lawyer at the Merritt & Merritt Law Firm to find out what damages they may be entitled to.

Internal Injuries

Internal injuries are injuries that occur to the organs including the bladder, liver, pancreas, and kidneys. Internal injuries in an accident with a truck can be caused by blunt trauma to the torso which breaks a rib, and the rib then penetrates the organ. It can also be caused by the force of the airbag when it opens upon impact. No matter how it happens, internal injuries should be treated as soon as possible, as they can cause internal bleeding.

Broken Bones & Cuts

Broken bones and cuts do not generally cause the same amount of damage as some of the other types of injuries on this list. Even so, they can be painful and require extensive treatment. Badly broken bones may require the use of rods, screws, and pins to hold bones together. Broken bones and cuts can also cause disfigurement and infections. Also, when broken bones heal, they are often not the same as they were before the accident, and the person with the broken bones has lasting pain and impairments.

Wrongful Death

Wrecks involving large trucks too often result in death for the driver and passengers of the smaller vehicle. When a person dies in one of these accidents, the families are left to pick up the pieces and carry on without the person they love. Often, the family of the deceased are entitled to compensation from the accident. There are different types of damages they may be able to recover under a claim for wrongful death, and the best way to find out what exactly is recoverable is to speak with a Texas truck accident injury lawyer at the Merritt & Merritt Law Firm.

Speak With A Premier Texas Truck Accident Injury Lawyer At The Merritt & Merritt Law Firm

Suffering an injury in an accident involving a truck can cause a lifetime of pain and therapies. When this happens to you, it’s important to know that you don’t have to fight for the damages you are owed on your own. At the Merritt & Merritt Law Firm, you can receive knowledgeable counsel from a Texas truck accident injury lawyer. We may be reached by calling 1-800-738-93946 or via our contact page.

How a Texas Truck Accident Attorney from Merritt & Merritt Law Firm Can Help

An experienced truck accident lawyer can do much more than go to court on your behalf. They can help you with every step of your case, from coordinating medical treatment to negotiating a fair settlement. For example:

  • Your lawyer can help gather the documents and evidence you need to support your claim
  • Your lawyer can handle all communications with all of the parties involved including the driver, the trucking company, the insurance companies, and any witnesses
  • Your lawyer can prepare and send the paperwork needed to make your claim and demand payment
  • Your lawyer can handle the negotiation process with the trucking company and their insurance carrier
  • If necessary, they can file a lawsuit on your behalf and handle all aspects of the legal process, including representing you at trial

It is important to keep in mind that you always retain control over your case – you make the important decisions. Perhaps most importantly, your lawyer can provide guidance that is focused on your best interests and provide the information you need to make an informed decision.

When You Should Contact a Texas Truck Accident Attorney

Under Texas law, you have only two years from the date of your accident to file a lawsuit for compensation. This may seem like a long time, but the longer you wait, the harder it will be to prove your case. As the months roll by, memories fade and evidence gets lost. The sooner you contact a lawyer, the better your chances of a successful outcome.

The best time to contact a lawyer is in the days following your accident, even if you don’t plan to go to court. They can help you gather the documents you need and deal with the insurance claim process so that you can focus on your health. And if they are unable to settle your claim, they will already have deep knowledge of your case and therefore be fully prepared to litigate.

Texas Truck Accident Law FAQs

People involved in Texas truck accidents typically have a lot of questions about the accident and what happens next. A Texas trucking attorney at the Merritt & Merritt Law Firm answers some of the most common questions.

How are truck accidents different from car accidents?

There are differences between truck accidents and car accidents. Trucks are much larger than most other motor vehicles. A fully loaded semi can weigh up to 80,000 lbs. Compare that to the average weight of a car, which is approximately 4,200 lbs. When two vehicles of such different size and weight collide, the injuries suffered by the occupants of the smaller vehicle are more prone to suffer catastrophic injuries. Also, the party that is liable in a Texas truck accident can be one or more people or entities, including the truck driver, the trucking company, and the maintenance company.

Should I see a doctor after my Texas truck accident?

You should definitely see a doctor after your Texas truck accident, for several reasons. First of all, even if you do not think you have any serious injuries, there are some injuries that are not immediately visible. Also, if you later pursue a case for compensation against another party for your truck accident, your Texas accident attorney will need medical documentation regarding any injuries you sustained. Finally, it is also important, for the same reason, to follow through with any additional recommendations or appointments made by your healthcare provider.

Who can I recover compensation from for my Texas truck accident?

Who you are able to recover from is a matter your Texas accident attorney will determine. However, there are some parties that are commonly held liable in truck accidents. This includes:

  • Truck Driver: The truck driver may be responsible for the accident, if they engaged in distracted driving, or abused drugs or alcohol, or were negligent in any manner.
  • Trucking Company: Trucking companies may be held liable if their negligence caused the accident. Negligent conduct would include failing to ensure their drivers are properly trained as well as having their trucks maintained.

What is my Texas truck accident case worth?

The monetary amount you are able to recover for your Texas truck accident will vary based on several different factors. First of all, it will depend on who is at fault in the truck accident. If you are not at fault but another party is, you may be able to recover different types of damages, including compensatory damages, which are paid to compensate you for the damages you incurred. Other types of damages include money for pain and suffering, lost income, and medical care. In some rare cases, you may be able to recover punitive damages. The types of damages, as well the amount you can recover, will be a topic your Texas accident attorney will discuss with you.

Who should I contact after my Texas truck accident?

If you have been injured in a Texas truck accident , or you have lost a loved one in a Texas truck accident, you need experienced counsel that will guide you through the entire process of obtaining the compensation you are owed. Contact our firm, the Merritt & Merritt Law Firm, to speak with a Texas trucking attorney that understands how to help you recover the money you are due. We may be reached by calling 1-800-738-93946 or via our contact page.

Working with People Injured in Truck Accidents Across the State of Texas

Our team of truck accident attorneys works with people across the state of Texas, including those who have been injured in the following cities:

No matter where your accident occurred, we can review your case and help you get fair compensation for your injuries.

Injured in a Truck Accident? Contact a Texas Truck Accident Attorney Today

Merritt & Merritt Law Firm is built upon 45 years of experience in helping truck accident victims get the compensation they deserve. If you have been injured in a truck accident, give us a call at 1-800-738-93946 to schedule your free consultation – let us help you start moving forward today.

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